rates Per DaY


$25 Housesitting

Even if you don't have pets, we can stop by to water your plants, check your security, bring in mail, check on water pipes in winter, and perform required household tasks.

$35 Petsitting visit

We will stop by, bring in the mail, water plants, check the security of your home, remove waste, perform light household duties, and spend time cuddling your animal companions. Contact us to discuss our discount for 2 or more visits per day.



$65 PetSitting Over Night

We will show up at your home late in the evening, perform household tasks, spend the night with your pets, & leave in the morning after checking food, water, and waste.


$10 +Walk/Extra Time

If you'd like us to take your dog for a 30-60 minute walk, or if you'd like us to stay longer than our usual check-in, there is a fee of $10 per visit.



$5 Medication Administration

For an additional $5 per visit, we will administer flea control, pills, liquid medications, injections, and subcutaneous fluids according to your instructions.


If you have farm animals, exotic pets, or pets with special needs not described here, please contact us below to discuss. References are available upon request.


Mt Shasta Petsitters accepts cash, local checks, Paypal, Venmo, and Credit Card payments.
Payment is required on the First Day of Service.